AED Training Courses across Yorkshire

Using an automated external defibrillator should be simple, however our training courses give the learners greater confidence to act quickly in an emergency. 

AED (Defibrillator) Awareness Training Courses

This 2-hour Emergency AED Awareness training course can be run at your premises in Leeds, Bradford or anywhere across Yorkshire. It is designed to give all learners greater confidence in using a defibrillator in an emergency situation.

This training is part of the syllabus in all of our first aid at work and paediatric training courses, however, businesses would be prudent to ensure that every member of their staff knew how to use a defibrillator. It is an essential life skill.

Course Contents

  1. How to administer cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
  2. How to use an automated external defibrillator.
  3. Where to find your local CPADs (Community Public Access Defibrillators).
  4. How to access AEDs in an emergency.
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